The Dos and Don’ts of Hearing Aid Repair

Hearing aids are heaven sent devices that have helped many people deal with their hearing loss problems. All thanks to the power of technology, these devices continue to improve, equally enhancing the lives of those who are wearing it.

But while each hearing aid in the market today has undoubtedly been remarkably done, it is unavoidable for these devices to malfunction when damaged. Don’t worry, most incidents can be fixed by repairing it. But to avoid incurring further damage on your device, make sure to follow these dos and don’ts.

1. Do change the battery

One possible suspect for why your hearing aid is malfunctioning is its battery. Without noticing it, you may have already used up all its juice. Battery life depends on different factors such as the size and style of your hearing aid, the frequency and span of usage, as well as the preferred amplification.

As an example, if you’re using it daily for more than 12 hours straight at the highest volume, this eats up a lot of battery.

2. Do clean the device

Like any other device, your hearing aid can gather dirt and dust. This is the effect of many factors such as wax buildup. It’s a good thing to know how you can maintain and keep your device as clean as possible. However, the best thing to go about this is by having it cleaned by a hearing aid professional. These people make use of the right tools and know very well how to handle fragile devices.

3. Do visit your hearing health professional

When your hearing aid suddenly stops working, don’t consider buying a new one just yet. Schedule a visit to your trusted hearing health professional and have them checked for any issues. Being the experts, they are well-knowledgeable about the ins and outs of your hearing device. They can absolutely tell whether your device can still be repaired or you need to find a brand new hearing aid already.

4. Don’t try to repair it yourself

If you think your device has been damaged, do not attempt to fix it by yourself. Your hearing aid is an intricate device made of tiny fragile pieces. Trying to repair it without proper knowledge may lead to further damages. Head your way to a hearing aid professional and have it fixed by an expert.

5. Do consider getting a new device

For many times, we’ve talked about the different tips you can do to ensure your hearing aids last for as long as you want. But technology improves and better models with finer features are regularly introduced. Just like any other devices, there may come a time that you would need to let go of your hearing aid.

Scout the market for a new hearing aid that will perfectly fit your lifestyle. There are many affordable and cost-efficient hearing aids that we here at Listening Lab can recommend. To give you a brief example, rechargeable hearing aids can save you from spending money on batteries.

Take note of these dos and don’ts so you know the things to do when you encounter such unfortunate incidents. If you want to learn more about our hearing aid maintenance service, contact us at +65 6817 5100.

About The Listening Lab

Listening Lab is a home-grown company whose mission is to help our clients restore their hearing to enjoy the life that they desire. Experiencing hearing loss can be detrimental to one’s quality of life. Hence we commit to providing high-quality hearing solutions.

Our hearing solutions include hearing tests and treatment and prescribing hearing aids. Clients may come to get their hearing checked, and we will assess whether hearing aids are required.

If hearing aids are required, clients can choose from a variety of the best hearing aid brands we provide. Each of the products offers unique features that complement daily use and perform well in helping our clients enjoy the life that they desire.

What Do Our Customers Say?

Person in charge nice and helpful with warm smiling face. Should you have hearing problem, can seek for her advise.
Catherine Tang Yap
Your service is marvellous! Patient and friendly. Mr Ching has been a customer of The Listening Lab since 2018. We have been attending to him for his follow up reviews and we are glad to see his progress!
Mr Ching
My husband purchased a Siemens Pure 7PX in 2016. We wish to appreciate Listening Lab for their ongoing attention and professional help they have been providing to us.
Mr & Mrs Sriram
madam Low
My mum has hearing loss for many years. Consultant of Listening Lab helped her fitted with Resound hearing aid. His patience and professionalism was greatly appreciated as the hearing aid enable her to hear and communicate with the people around her especially her grand children. We are happy with the services rendered by consultant. Keep up the good work!!
Madam Low
The Voice of two Generations in Singapore radio, Mr Brian Richmond, has chosen The Listening Lab to be his audiology and hearing services provider. We could not be prouder!

Brian is the definitive household name in English Radio since the early years of Singapore's founding, starting with Rediffusion followed by Radio One and now with Gold 90.5FM as well as Vintage Radio Singapore. His honeyed voice and selection of music filling our ears as we lived the bustle of our daily lives.

Soccer fans from the Malaysia Cup era of soccer will never forget his heart-pounding commentary from "live" matches, as we experienced the ups and downs of the Singapore Lions in the 1970s to 90s.

Our Executive Director Kelvin Lee is proudly beaming ear-to-ear in this photo with Brian. But you wont be able to see it through the masks!
Brian Richmond
I started experiencing loss of hearing sometimes in 2010 (41 years old) owing to some medical issue. I was having difficulties hearing conservation especially in meeting. Thus, giving me the fear in attending meeting.

Initially I started with Phonak hearing aid. It helps amplified the sound and I could hear better then. Somehow, my hearing loss deteriorated further that in late 2012 (43 years old), there was profound loss of hearing on my right ear. Even digital hearing aid could not help. On my left ear there is still about 50% to 60% hearing with hearing aid. I was lost at this point of time. I was considering learning sign language. I went to see my ENT specialist and my audiologist Mr. Bala advised me to go for an CI as an alternative to my hearing loss.

I also thank God for Engineer and Scientist, giving them the knowledge to create such a complex and sophisticate device to help those with hearing loss like me. It will be all perfect if the cost is affordable too.
Jonathan Po
madam goh
I took my mum to Listening Lab at Simei to get her hearing aid fixed, during our first visit, she patiently explained the whole procedure to my mum and also explain to my mum why she really in need to fix the hearing aid. She is very knowledgeable, and friendly, and we are encouraged to ask questions. she is also very patient with old people which is the most importance. Also her after service is superb so I highly recommend.
Mdm Goh
My mum, Madam Kek (73 year old) had the Cochlear implant (CI) done on her left side in 10th September 2019. Thereafter, thanks to the subsequent auditory verbal therapy, evaluation from SGH ENT team, as well as, the support from AB's and Listening Lab staffs; Madam Kek was able to hear, comprehend sound and music from her Cochlear implant, Naida CI Q90, and hearing aid (HA), Naida Link UP, for her right side before end year. We are happy that both the CI and HA have improved mum qualify of life. Now Madam Kek is looking forward to work again to pass her time as she can hear and better communicate with others.
Madam Kek
Titus was implanted when he was 18 months old. He is a happy, talkative 6.5 years old now. AB has been with him for 5 wonderful hearing years and we are looking forward to a bright future that lies ahead for him. AB’s Naída CI sound processors are reliable and the technology is constantly evolving and upgrading. When Titus was introduced to Naida Link CROS, his life was enriched. The wireless network established between his Naida CI sound processor and a Naida Link CROS transmitter allows him to hear from both ears. This changes Titus’s life and the way we interact with him. We are also very pleased with the prompt response and service provided to us. The staff in AB genuinely cares! We want to thank AB for making Titus’s hearing journey an enjoyable and a relatively stress free one!
Titus Pang
mr tan
I have been living with progressive hearing loss for more than three decades. Socially, I find myself fearful of communicating with people and at home, watching 'soundless' television programs is a norm.

An unforgettable experience. Trying on a pair of Resound GN hearing aid, I was energized and revitalized and overwhelmed with emotional tears of joy. The Resound GN is truly remarkable and uniquely equipped with three-friendly-user environmental modes that provide hearing comfort wherever we are.

In particular, I like to extend my utmost gratitude to Hearing Consultant. With her profound compassion and wisdom in guiding me, I am confident that I can forge a formidable partnership with the Listening Lab; So that I can rebuild a new chapter of a happy and value-creative life and simultaneously, leaving behind the painful memories of the past three decades.
Mr Tan

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