However, it doesn’t come at a cheap price. The hearing aid itself can already be costly, and still, it has to be coupled with a set of batteries for it to function as expected.
How do you make the most out of your hearing aids’ battery? Pens out, ‘cause we’ve listed 8 ways you can do just that.
1. Let the battery breathe.
Batteries shouldn’t be immediately installed. Give it some air for about 3-5 minutes. This “activation period” allows airs to reach the materials inside the battery.
2. Make sure your hands are clean.
Like any other device, you have to make sure that your hands are clean. Think of putting a screen protector on your phone with dirty hands. It won’t do any good. If you’re working with hands that are greasy and dirty, it can damage the hearing aid and can clog up the air pores in the battery.
3. Be aware of the expiration of batteries.
If you have some batteries in stock, they will eventually drain out the longer they stay sitting on the shelves. If you have one or two batteries in hand, use the pack that is nearer the expiration date so that you are getting the most out of them.
4. Store them properly.
Batteries, as well as hearing aids, should be kept away from extreme temperatures. If placed in a condition like this, the battery will have a shorter life. It’s best to keep them in a dry, cool place that is at room temperature. When stored in a high temperature, the battery can overheat and lose energy, leak, and rupture. While if stored in a cold location, condensation may take place inside the battery pack.
5. Don’t remove the plastic tab until you’re ready to use it.
Batteries usually come with a plastic tab that keeps it fresh during storage until it is ready to be used. Once removed, it loses its juice so when you’re actually going to use it, energy won’t be at full level.
6. Your sleeping time is also their sleeping time.
Think of your batteries as a human being that also needs its rest. The most convenient time to do this is during night time. Turn off your device as well before going off to bed. Let moisture from the battery compartment escape by opening it as well. This is an essential step in caring for your hearing aids.
7. For prolonged non-usage, remove the batteries.
You wouldn’t keep your appliances plugged in if you were leaving for a long trip, right? The same goes for your hearing aids. If the situation doesn’t require you to wear them for a long period of time, remove the batteries entirely as to avoid corrosion and damage from trapped moisture.
8. Use a hearing aid dehumidifier.
Hearing aid management requires a dehumidifier. The dehumidifier will absorb the moisture out of your hearing aid and its battery. You can also store your hearing aid here if you like.
There are many factors that can affect the life of your hearing aids’ battery. These include the following:
- Type and size of hearing device
- Type and size of battery
- Duration and frequency of usage
- Technology of device
- Environment you live in
- Management of your device
- Assistive listening devices you may use
- Special features that your device may have (such as bluetooth capability)
Back in the day, most gadgets were very reliant on individual batteries that you would have to replace once they’re dried out. Technology nowadays has developed devices that have rechargeable capability. This advancement lead to more individuals with hearing loss prefer rechargeable hearing aids. Just dock it into an induction charger to recharge and you’re good to go! Listening Lab has a selection of this type of hearing aids including the Pure NX Charge N Go. Check it out!
For quality ear care and hearing aids to fit your every need, you may contact Listening Lab at +65 6817 5100 or visit us at our different branches which you may view here.
About The Listening Lab
Listening Lab is a home-grown company whose mission is to help our clients restore their hearing to enjoy the life that they desire. Experiencing hearing loss can be detrimental to one’s quality of life. Hence we commit to providing high-quality hearing solutions.
Our hearing solutions include hearing tests and treatment and prescribing hearing aids. Clients may come to get their hearing checked, and we will assess whether hearing aids are required.
If hearing aids are required, clients can choose from a variety of the best hearing aid brands we provide. Each of the products offers unique features that complement daily use and perform well in helping our clients enjoy the life that they desire.